Thursday, 23 November 2017

NZ Biscutes/slices

1.Mallow puff This biscuit is scrumptious with the taste of puff and
                                                                       melted chocolate turned in to hardened chocolate.
2.Shrewsbury This biscuit is great because it has a pinch of                                                                                               
Jam in the middle.
3.peppermint slice This slice is Delicious because it has a tablespoon of peppermint squshed inside the chocolate.

Image result for shrewsbury cookiesImage result for mallow puffsImage result

W.I.T answering questions

1. Who could we call at the food bank to ask about volunteering? = Sharon
Phone:   06 758 2757
Mobile:  021 077 8346

2. Who will take us to the food bank? = manoa’s dad?

3. What could we learn about volunteering at the food bank? = by giving the boxes of asesores maby food

Image result for food bank4. How does the food bank help other people in the community = keeping other children unsick and healthy


Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Country Cheese Crackers

Country Cheese
1.Sodium The sodium in this product is 1,120 mg.
                                                     Why is there so much sodium in this product.
2. Sugar The sugar in this product is 5.1g.
                                                Why do they have sugar in this product.
3. Fat The fat in this product is 14.2 g.
                                 Why do they put fat in this product.

Why do they have sugar in this product? To make it taste good. The recommended sugar is 10g.

Why do they put fat in this product? The recommended amount is 10.0g. So it’s not too bad. They put in fat to make it taste good.

There is so much sodium in this product. The recommended amount is 400g. This is way too much sodium. Sodium is not good for your body. This would go at the top of the pyramid.
increases blood pressure that causes stress on your heart.

SUMMARY don’t eat these crackers alot only a little. This product is known better in the top of the food pyramid.