Sunday 29 October 2017

Liams math

my calendar draft

This Is my calendar art that I drew using Sketch Pad.  I included my family in this photo I drew. I put a lot of effort into this drawing. It took me the whole time in our calendar art time to finish the calendar art. The funny thing was, in the morning I started to start my calendar art before I went to school. I finished my calendar art at home, just when I heard the 8:30 bell ringing from the direction on Frankley School. Then I was finished. I tried to save my calendar art or send it to myself. But…………. I went on the settings. There was nothing there about sending emails or saving. So I went back to my drawing and then it was deleted!!! I was so angry. Then It was 10 minutes to 9:00. I had to go to school. But on that day when i was at school I finished my calendar art and it was even better!!

Share back to me about how you have used Sketch Pad?

Why do you think I used Sketch Pad for my Calendar Art design?